Delegate Additional Furya to your Validator

You can always use the furyad CLI to send a delegation transaction.

furyad tx staking delegate [validator-addr] [amount] --from $VALIDATOR_KEY_NAME --keyring-backend=file --yes --node=tcp://localhost:26657


If your validator goes offline and misses too many blocks, it will be removed from the active set & “jailed”. In this state, your delegations will be slowly slashed!! Check whether your validator is jailed using the furyad query staking validator command.

If you still have enough delegations to enter the active set, simply run this command to unjail it:

furyad tx slashing unjail --from validator

Edit your Validator’s Info

From time to time you may want to rename your validator, change the description, etc. Do this by:

furyad tx staking edit-validator \
  --moniker "the moniker for your validator" \
  --details "a description of your validator" \
  --identity "your PGP key (block explorers will use your keybase pfp)" \
  --website "" \
  --security-contact "" \
  --from validator

A flag is only needed if it is to be changed (e.g. if you do not wish to change the security contact email, then it doesn’t need to included in the command)

Withdraw Commissions

Run the following command to claim your commissions:

furyad tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(simd keys show validator --bech val --address) \
  --commission \
  --from validator

Note the --commission flag.

Migrating Servers

To migrate your validator to a new server, you first sync up a new node (check the instruction on using snapshot or state sync). Then:

  1. Shut down your old node
  2. Copy your priv_validator_key.json and priv_validator_state.json to the new node
  3. Restart your new node; you should see the “This node is a validator” log message when starting up

NOTE: Step (1) must be done first, or your validator may double-sign!!!

Optional: Copy node_key.json to the new server as well. This is not mandatory, but helps your node to establish P2P connections faster.